U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware· Filed May 6, 2020
Feb. 11, 2025: Opinion re: Summary Judgment
Sept. 25, 2023: Order re: Motions for Summary Judgment
Dec. 22, 2022: Motion for Summary Judgment filed by ROSS Intelligence
Dec. 22, 2022: Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Thomson Reuters
Oct. 6, 2022: Answer to Amended Counterclaims filed by Thomson Reuters
Sep. 14, 2022: Amended Answer filed by ROSS Intelligence
Apr. 26, 2022: Memo Opinion re: Motion to Dismiss
Apr. 26, 2021: Renewed Motion to Dismiss filed by Thomson Reuters
Apr. 22, 2021: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss filed by ROSS Intelligence
Apr. 12, 2021: Amended Answer filed by ROSS Intelligence
Mar. 29, 2021: Memo Opinion
Mar. 25, 2021: Brief in Support filed by Thomson Reuters
Jan. 4, 2021: Answer filed by Thomson Reuters
Dec. 13, 2020: Answer and Counterclaims filed by ROSS Intelligence
Jul 13, 2020: Motion to Dismiss filed by ROSS Intelligence
May 6, 2020: Complaint filed by Thomson Reuters