“In the 1980s, Miuccia Prada changed luxury fashion irrevocably by introducing nylon to the catwalk. Three decades on, she remains a revolutionary,” writes British Vogue’s Claudia Croft, who sat down with Prada to discuss punk (For Prada, “punk is a state of mind, an approach to life and a constant, restless questioning of the status quo”), the house’s trademark nylon “it” bag (it proves that “luxury could be abstract. It could be an idea”), working in the fashion industry (“I was thinking I was doing a superficial job”), slogan tees (“My thoughts are complex. I would never be able to express them in one word”) and and more.
Here are a few of our favorite excerpts from the interview, which you can find in full right here …
On her design process: I do so much thinking. I doubt everything. That is the process of my job, the doubt, the discussion … It’s my way of working. Always trying to go against the rules, the cliché.
On Prada’s classic nylon bags: I was searching because I hated all the bags that were around. They were so formal, so lady, so traditional, so classic … [I wanted to challenge] the traditional, conservative idea of luxury, [which] is such an abused word.
On creating garments and accessories that sell: It is definitely an important part of our job, but it’s not our instinct. Our instinct is just doing a good job, to respect people, to do something we think is meaningful.
On women: A clever woman can also be super-sexy, super-naked, she can be whatever she wants. If you want to go out naked or whatever, it’s perfectly fine with me — except it’s a choice. I don’t think there is a look for an intelligent, militant woman. She can wear anything she wants.
On culture: Culture should be attractive, otherwise no one listens.