Daily LInks
1. How Outdoor Voices, a Start-Up Darling, Imploded: The shake-up has highlighted the generational friction that can arise between idealistic start-up founders, the employees they hire and the seasoned executives their companies often need for success. And it has added to questions about the viability of money-losing e-commerce start-ups, which have amassed piles of venture capital in recent years as they try to disrupt the markets for everything from toothbrushes to watches. – Read More on the New York Times
2. Why All the Warby Parker Clones Are Now Imploding: Perhaps the original mistake of the DTCs wasn’t in their vision, but in their decision to take the venture capital in the first place. Now under pressure to grow even faster and at greater scale than they otherwise would have had to naturally, they are being confronted with what happens when growth slows down, the cash starts running out, and investors are expecting their returns. – Read More on Medium
3. With China Under Quarantine, People Turn to Livestreams and Shopping: “People are extremely cautious, and we have the benefit of living in fortunate times where we can literally stay at home if we like and live quite well with China’s modern retail scenarios.” – Read More on Adweek
4. FTC, FDA Crack Down on False Advertising, Marketing Related To Coronavirus: The Federal Trade Commission and Federal Drug Administration took action by sending warning letters to several companies for allegedly selling products using deceptive or unsupported scientific claims about the products’ ability to treat the SARS strand of COVID-19 known as coronavirus. – Read More on Media Post
5. What Are Companies’ Legal Obligations Around Coronavirus? For legal and practical reasons, companies need to be able to show that they have given employees accurate information about ways to prevent the spread of infection — and that they have provided people with the means to act on that information. Employers must also implement measures to reduce the risk of workplace transmission. – Read More on HBR